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Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22

Well what a lovely weekend Tassie turned on. Blue skies and sunshine all weekend and the same today. I spent most of my weekend in the garden again, much to the delights of the local rabbits! as I discovered this morning. So today I have hunted around to find what wire I can to try and protect what they were clearly to full to fit in last night.

I again cut the paddocks with the ride on, I am sure they didn't really need it but it was great fun, must remember to tell Brian to adjust our retirement budget to include some extra fuel for the mower:)

I didn't spend all my time on Sunday at the house, I did call in to the local market at Don, it was great, lots of handmade stuff, plants, jams, chutneys etc Sunday seems to be the day form Markets around here, I just didn't know which to go to so will check out a different one next week. I also went on a long walk around the coast line in Devonport. The B&B where I am staying is right by the mouth of the Mersey so it is lovely to walk out after tea, and watch the Spirit leave for Melbourne, these long evenings are great (Queensland take note) and I had forgotten how nice it is to go out for walks at night with the sun still not fully below the horizon.

I also have got used to hearing the Spirit as it enters the Mersey mouth about 5.30am every morning, it blows its siren and must wake up the whole of Devonport.

Things are much quieter at the house at the moment, with the painters arriving today, everyone else seems to have moved out to let them have a clear run at the place, however I was able to chat to our lovely plumber about the 'special' grate going in our en suite and the joiner who is doing the kitchen and vanities also called in to take more measurements, from all accounts all is on track which is great news, who knows we may be in on the 10th:)

Haven't had too many comments on the blog but have had some emails about the blog so it is nice to know that people are checking up on me.

Bye for now from Tass.


  1. A new cococat will keep the rabbits at bay!

  2. I hope so Trish, did you hear they ate all the brussel sprouts, poor Nick :)

  3. Nick was devastated re: brussel sprouts!

  4. Well I think I may have been able to save one or two stalks, we shall see
