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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 1

Okay this Blog is starting on Friday February 29th. I have never blogged before so expect some silly stuff to happen but hopefully I can get into it.

This should be an account of our move to Tasmania for the next stage of our lives (retirement?)

It's Friday, Brian has gone into the city still trying to do work in amongst organising the build in Tas and thinking about the move and packing the unit up. I think he is pretty stressed at the moment. We are waiting for a call to arrange the pick-up of the Morgan, the carriers will take it, we hope, down to the Port of Melbourne where we hopefully will pick it up and take it on the Spririt with us accross Bass Straight to its new home. I am really hoping they come to collect it when Brian is back here as it has many strange things you have to do to get it started even before you try to drive it. We will see!!

OK I better get on with the ironing and packing, will let you know tomorrow how things are going.


  1. Yay! Looking forward to watching the story unfold!

  2. Congratulations, Pauline! Why February though?

  3. Now you need a flickr account so we can see pics of the house, garden, trout, animals, gumboots etc :)
